Monday, September 7, 2015

Bacterial Social Networking

The threat of antibiotic resistant "superbugs" is one of the largest public health issues of our time. A research team from Carnegie Mellon University is looking at Twitter as a model to better understand how different bacterial strains interact with one another through specific chemical signals to make dense biofilms, which combat antibiotics. By studying Twitter, the C.M.U. team hopes to determine the situations where individual bacteria stop making decisions for themselves and start working together to make an all-inclusive biofilm. Understanding the complex calculations that control these networks could help predict the likelihoods for success of possible therapies that inhibit bacterial communication. Bacteria basically create a “social network” when they exchange signaling molecules (quorum sensing). To make the simulations more realistic to Twitter, researchers based their computer models on three bacterial behaviors:

1)   Creating and passing along signaling molecules that cause cells to produce substances to make biofilms. (Molecular tweets and retweets)
2)   Sending out of their own signals but not exchanging received messages so it can stockpile resources for its own growth. (No retweeting)
3)   Avoids the group effort, and makes/uses its own materials for biofilm growth. (No tweeting or retweeting)

After analyzing these models of bacterial communication and biofilm formation, the C.M.U. teams claim to have successfully discovered the fundamental intercellular communication process and community organization in biofilms. They were able to use network theory to depict quorum sensing and how it contributes to virulence factors, antibiotic resistance, and biofilm formation. These findings could lead to breakthroughs in the understanding of cellular communication in antibiotic resistance and possible solutions.


  1. It sounds like the researchers are looking at the communication between bacteria in general. I wonder if there is a certain strain of bacteria, MRSA for example, that they hope to analyze the communication and biofilm formation of. Also, the article states that there is funding from the Obama administration to research antibiotic resistance. Funding should go to looking at how bacteria communicate and possible ways to intercept that communication, but should it also go to looking new antibiotic production?

  2. Very interesting that they compare the communication of the bacteria to twitter. I wonder if the MALDI Mass Spectrometer could be used to find the chemical make up of the bacteria and then use that to find patterns in different bacterias communication. From there they could maybe find a better way to make antibiotics that would combat these superbugs.

  3. Awesome post Aleina! I am conducting a bit of bacterial communication research currently, and there is so much we can learn with well-developed models of quorum sensing (QS). An interesting mechanism that has come to light recently is quorum quenching (QQ), or the process by which certain bacterial species inhibit QS communication between competing species of bacteria. QQ works by many mechanisms to inhibit QS signaling, including sequestration of QS signaling molecules (autoinducers) or enzymatic degradation of these molecules.

    While I am studying QQ in the context of bioluminescent symbiots found in marine fish light organs, there is a great deal of research that is currently coming out that looks at the utility of using QQ sequestration proteins and other inhibitory compounds to destroy biofilms, especially in hospital settings where MRSA outbreaks gain exceeding virulence from their QS capacities. Roy et al., 2010; Galloway et al., 2011; LaSarre & Federle, 2013 are all interesting papers to look over concerning this topic.

    Roy V, Fernandes R, Tsao C-Y, Bentley WE. 2010. Cross Species Quorum Quenching Using a Native AI-2 Processing Enzyme. ACS Chem Biol 5:223-232.

    Galloway WR, Hodgkinson JT, Bowden SD, Welch M, Spring DR. 2011. Quorum sensing in Gram-negative bacteria: small-molecule modulation of AHL and AI-2 quorum sensing pathways. Chem Rev 111:28–67.

    LaSarre B, Federle MJ. 2013. Exploiting Quorum Sensing To Confuse Bacterial Pathogens. Microbiol Molec Bio Rev 77:73-111.
