Wednesday, November 4, 2015

3D Printing use in Dental Restoration

3D printing have been used for manufacturing and engineering purpose since its inception, but now the dental field is looking at the future with 3D printing. 3D printing software use CAD/CAM to come up with 3D design for their implant. Dentists are now using CAD/CAM to produce implant abutments and frameworks from metal or ceramic materials. This technology allows simplified production of precise and durable implant components. Precision of fit, durability, simplicity, and aesthetic material application are the main advantages of CAD/CAM in implant dentistry, compare to the old ways where surgical time was long and human error could occur.
During my undergrad at CU I took a 3D printing course over the summer. CU had a 3D scanner that would scan a molar tooth as it rotate around 360 degrees. From there the model image would be uploaded into CAD/CAM, then I would add any application I would like to the surface of the tooth. I though the procedure of using computer aid design and computer-aided manufacturing was pretty mind blowing in the field of dentistry at the time.

Reference: Abduo, Jaafar, and Karl Lyons. "Rationale for the Use of CAD/CAM Technology in Implant Prosthodontics." International Journal of Dentistry 2013 (2013): 1-8


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think this new technology is really cool and very efficient for dental professionals. I shadowed a dentist who used a 3D printer to make porcelain crowns, and he was able to give his patients the permanent crown during that appointment so they wouldn't have to come back for an additional appointment. However, I have heard that some dental professionals are hesitant to buy these machines because the prices are too high. Hopefully they will figure out a way to manufacture these printers at a lower price so more people will be able to enjoy less complicated and more accurate dental procedures.

  3. This new technology in dentistry is taking dental treatments to next level. I recently visited Dentzz dental in Delhi. They had some of the latest technologies and I am sure they were using 3d scanner equipment as well. Most of the Dentzz review that are posted by patients, mention about the latest technology that Dentzz use for treatment.
