Monday, November 30, 2015

Fat Hormones Increase Running!

Run Forever Thanks to Your Fat Hormones!

                This article tells a story of a lady named Bethany Brookshire who noticed her amazing runners high while running the Navy-Air Force half marathon! There have been several studies done to try and understand what exactly is going on in the brain during this experience. They found that chemical components such as endorphins and cannabinoids increase in the brains of athletes while running, which gives this happy high that runners explain they feel. But, endorphins and cannabinoids are not the only thing that can be responsible for this great feeling.

Leptin is a fat hormone that regulates eating but also affects movement and running. Tests were done on rats to see how levels of leptin would affect eating, but nothing happened. What they did notice was that the mice ran, and they ran a lot when the levels of leptin were low. Leptin is responsible for the motivation to start running which is really important! In order to keep running you have to be motivated to start in the first place!

                Obviously Leptin does not work by itself as I mentioned earlier that other chemicals such as endorphins and cannabinoids play a key role in creating the high while running. It is unsure exactly how all of these work together, but all of them are necessary in creating this indescribable high while running!
Brookshire, B. (n.d.). How a fat hormone might make us born to run. Retrieved December 1, 2015, from

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